OGS Merlin GDP4 Gas Detection System

Designed for use in Medium/Large boilers rooms (4 or less boilers)

The Merlin GDP4 is an 4 zone gas detection panel which can be used in many applications the most common being a boiler house applications.

The GDP4 has a clear display showing the status of the connected gas detectors, heat sensors, fire alarms, gas valve and BMS systems.

Many varieties of detectors are compatible with GDP4, e.g. Natural Gas, Carbon Monoxide, LPG, Refrigerant Gas and Oxygen depletion.

Also multiple heat detector links can be used, when wired in series. The GDP4 can be integrated with a BMS, fire alarm and remote emergency stop buttons. Gas detectors are fixed remote from the GDP2 panel & should be wired back to the GDP4 panel using four wire low voltage cable.

Please contact Oceania Gas Safety or your local representative for further information.

OGS Boiler Room Brochure – English